+90 212 292 03 33 – 34

+90 530 603 31 60

Cumhuriyet Caddesi Pak Apt. No:30 D:2

Elmadag, Sisli, Istanbul, TURKEY

Eyebrow and Lip Contour

In our clinic, the desired shape and measurement are determined based on the individual’s preference and expectations. The procedure begins with eyebrow mapping and is carried out using either eyebrow filling or tribal filling techniques. The area to be treated is numbed using anesthetic creams or local anesthesia, ensuring a painless procedure for the individual.

The pigments used in the procedure are composed entirely of components that do not harm the person’s health. The application duration varies between approximately 1 to 2 hours, and single-use cartridge needles specific to the individual are used in a sterile environment following hygiene rules. The procedure consists of one main session and one touch-up session with a one-month interval.

What is Contouring? What is Microblading?

Contouring applications in our clinic are performed under the control of a doctor with the application of local anesthesia. When necessary, they can be combined with Botulinum Toxin or thread lifting methods to provide different options. In lip contouring, we can combine it with lip fillers or lip aesthetic methods.
Permanent makeup, also known as “micro-pigmentation,” is the procedure of implanting natural and mineral-based pigments into the dermis using a sterile, single-use needle. After the procedure, the epidermal cells die and regenerate. The pigments used are of plant origin and organic, causing no side effects.

Areas where Permanent Makeup is Applied?

Permanent Eyebrow makeup, also known as Eyebrow Contouring, is used to recreate or fill in the eyebrow area cosmetically. Sparse areas of the eyebrows are filled in. Problematic eyebrow shapes can be corrected, low eyebrows can be lifted, new eyebrows can be designed in place of those lost due to medical reasons, or sparse areas of the eyebrows can be filled in. When the outer parts of the eyebrows droop downwards, it can make a person look older and tired. In our clinic, eyebrow contouring can be combined with other aesthetic treatments to address this issue.
Lip contouring enhances colorless and thin lips, giving them a more vibrant appearance. If there are gaps in color or scars on the lips, they can be camouflaged to restore the natural appearance of the lips. It can be combined with other lip aesthetic methods.

What is the “Microblading” Technique?

Microblading is a pigmenting technique that mimics the natural appearance of hair. Using this technique, sparse or empty areas of the eyebrows are filled in by replicating the natural color and thickness of eyebrow hair. Instead of the artificial look created by traditional methods, a natural-looking eyebrow is achieved. The technique can lift the lower parts of the eyebrows and replace a sad expression on the face with a more lively and aesthetic appearance. Missing parts of the eyebrows can be reconstructed using the microblading technique, maintaining a natural appearance.